People United partnered with Random Acts of Kindness Foundation and the University of Kent, School of Psychology to investigate the impact of embedding kindness in primary schools through creative activities.

We collaborated with artist Bob Karper to develop bespoke creative programmes for 5 primary schools in Kent and Cambridge.

The projects gave children the opportunity to reflect and celebrate the importance of kind people and kind qualities and supported schools to embed a culture of kindness.

The research revealed the programmes supported children to improve their ability to empathise with others and increased their intentions to be kind. Children who showed higher levels of kindness also felt more strongly connected to their community, were more able to empathise with others and felt more positive emotions generally.

The project was featured in a TES Magazine article titled Caped crusader’s mission to promote kindness in schools.

Arts & Kindness Week at Dame Janet Primary Academy by Bob Karper

Arts & Kindness Weeks built on research and learning from People United’s 2014 project Treasure with Lunsford Primary School and Bob Karper.