Creative tools and resources

Arts Award ‘Explore’ log book.
People United's arts and kindness themed Arts Award 'Explore' log book.
Arts Award ‘Discover’ log book
People United's arts and kindness themed Arts Award 'Discover' log book.
‘be kind’ colouring templates
Customisable 'be kind' templates for you to print out and colour in. By illustrator Kate Willis-Crowley.
Kindness Challenge Badge Syllabus
The Kindness Challenge Badge is about being kind to others, it is suitable for all Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Leaders.
Kindness Challenge Badge Order Form
The order form for the Kindness Challenge Badge.
Manifesto of Care
The Manifesto of Care was created as part of the Futures of Care commission; detailed information about the commission can be found in Our Projects.