People gather outside to look at a colourful billboard, blue and green and covered in collages in the shape of birds.
'Travel Deep' by The Studio and Catherine Chinatree © George Cory

The Studio: ‘Travel Deep’ Launch

On May 21st 2024, The Studio launched their first public artwork in Folkestone's Payers Park: 'Travel Deep', commissioned by producers Grmalem Gonetse Kasa, Ibrahim Ahmadzai, Mata Argaw, Basera Adel.
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Travel Deep by Catherine Chinatree, in collaboration with members of Kent Refugee Action Network © Clare Unsworth

“Travel Deep is a way of thinking. It is looking beyond what you see and hear first to find something deeper, more meaningful, more truthful” – Ibrahim Ahmadzai

It invites you to “see with your heart, change your mind, take action” – Mata Argaw

“The birds flying, nesting… travelling – depending on the angle at which you see them!

They are bringing landscape with them, telling their own story about their travels” – Grmalem Gonetse  Kasa

“This work is a response to my collaborators feelings and experiences that are happening in real-time, it sits in the present but travels backwards and forwards through time.” – Catherine Chinatree.

The Studio is led by producers with lived experience of navigating the UK’s asylum system. They work together to commission and co-create public artworks. It explores how public art is made, installed, and received by audiences, as well as its role in forging connections across difference in our borderland communities on the East Kent coast.

Thanks to our partners at KRAN and to our funders including Paul Hamlyn Foundation, Roger De Haan Charitable Trust, Arts Council England, Calouste Gulbenkian and Canterbury County Council.