© Jacqueline Day

Bright Lights

A People United project in collaboration with artist Hannah Whittaker and students from Turner Free School.
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As part of our Futures of Care programme of work, People United and Year 10 pupils from Turner Free School in Folkestone, commissioned artist Hannah Whittaker (pictured below) to co-create an interactive artwork exploring the theme of care.

The group worked collaboratively with Hannah to develop an interactive animation using multiple software programmes and Minecraft to illustrate their ideas of a local utopia of care.

Hannah is a performance maker and installation artist, she creates interactive installations, one-on-one encounters, and digital performances. She prompts exploration of the human condition through interactive and creative elements.

The final artworks were shared at a private showing for the students and their supporters at the Turner Free School in Folkestone.

Commissioned by

People United

Funded by

The Roger De Haan Charitable Trust